seven hundred and forty dollars later!

Poor old Smershy spent the night at the vet’s. Half his face was swollen up with an abscess caused by an infected tooth. He only had five teeth left  to speak of. Now he has only three. Not that the loss seems to have cramped his style any. As soon as he got home he gummed up a big fat bowl of mince then went for a nap in a sunny spot on the porch. The vet says he’s heading for renal failure. Our aim is to make his year a happy one.

Tonight we’ll be watching Outlander. For those not in the know, it’s aliens versus Vikings. And not before bloody time. Honestly, there are some ideas out there just screaming to be fulfilled and this is one of them.

Oh, and the real big news for me this week was that I whupped my boss’s arse at ping pong. I was high as a kite on industrial strength cough suppressant at the time so naturally he’s playing the drug cheat card. But the fact remains — I whupped him and whupped him good. I am a fucking legend!


  1. Smersh

    Sorry to hear about Smersch…I hope he’s feels better soon.

    In terms of renal failure in cats the best thing to do is get him off the dried biscuits. There is prescription brand called cd/3 available at the vets only – my Herman’s on it – it just costs a fortune.

    And yeah. I’m dead jealous of ping pong at work. I would love to have a ping pong table – it’s so addictive.

    Angie xxxx

    • Re: Smersh

      Ta Angie — Smershy doesn’t bother with dried biscuits. He likes the mushy stuff.

  2. Congrats on the drug-cheatin’ ping-pong victory. All’s fair in love and ping-pong, I say.

    I look forward to a review of Outlander. It looks like it could be pretty bad (from the viewpoint of a Viking re-enactor) but maybe it’ll be good-bad.

  3. I’m really sorry to hear about Smersh. Great cat.
    Saw Outlander a few nights back – it’s actually pretty damn awesome! Decent charcterisation and acting, very few cliches, and a decent plot (barring a few holes). Hope you enjoy it.

  4. That’s sad about poor Smersch. Hope that it’s a relatively pain-free time for him. I don’t doubt you’ll make the year fun – or at least as fun as Smersch will allow…

    Keep up the training, Cat. I have no doubt Russell’s got the rematch already well planned.

  5. Toothless Smersh nomming up mince, Vikings vs aliens and you winning drugged out ping pong matches. So much awesome in such a short post.

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