my con report

It’s probably a bit late for a con report. I’ve been back at work two days, hack coughing like a Gitanes smoker and feeling that sense of dislocation one always experiences when emerging from the magical back-of-the-wardrobe convention wonderland.

Aussiecon 4 was big and it had its problems but in my memory it remains firmly etched as five fun-filled blurry days and nights of exuberant conversation with friends I don’t get to see nearly often enough. I did three panels and a play reading/performance, missed half the panels I really wanted to see, got my picture took with China Mieville, and generally ran around like a headless chook trying to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to be doing when I was supposed to be doing it.

Things I learnt last weekend include:
– I need an iphone
– My wardrobe contains way too much black
– Skirts are comfortable – why do I rarely ever wear them?
– Man, there are some really fucking rude, entitled Yanks out there
– Rob Shearman is still the sweetest man alive
– Kaaron Warren is a muppet
– Don’t do fan panels, even if the topic is sound and you consider yourself a genuine fan
– It is possible to take too many photos
– It isn’t possible to have too many Ditmars
– Blogging is tricky when your senile cat is headbutting your hand. (OK, so that last one has nothing to do with the con).

The highlight of the con was, of course, Peter’s Hugo win — I don’t think he’s ever going to come down from that high. The perfect end to a visit that, jetlag and patchy broadband aside, ran as smooth as silk. He was everything you want in a houseguest and con buddy and none of the things you don’t. Smart, funny, charming, kind. I was truly saddened to pack him back off to Toronto (it’s illegal to kidnap Canadians, right?) He wrote a lovely blog post about his Australian experience here.

To everyone who threw some money into the pot to bring him out here, know that your efforts resulted in a profoundly happy man and, just maybe, restored a little of his faith in human nature.


  1. Peter Watts’ Hugo win was, somehow, a quintessentially Australian touch, and a wonderful thing to witness. You done good, Cat.

  2. – I need an iphone

    Yes, you do.

    – My wardrobe contains way too much black

    No such thing!

    – Man, there are some really fucking rude, entitled Yanks out there

    Aren’t there, though!

    – Rob Shearman is still the sweetest man alive

    Yes he is.

    – It isn’t possible to have too many Ditmars

    I can believe that.

    – Peter’s Hugo win

    The absolute highlight for me! He is such a nice guy.

  3. Perplexed by the notion of too much black, but have to agree, Peter’s win was an absolute highlight. I was impressed by many of the acceptance speeches — short and witty, and above all, short — and Peter’s was one of those clearly from the heart and with genuine surprise. Well done, you!

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