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my con report

It’s probably a bit late for a con report. I’ve been back at work two days, hack coughing like a Gitanes smoker and feeling that sense of dislocation one always experiences when emerging from the magical back-of-the-wardrobe convention wonderland.Aussiecon 4 was big and it had its problems but in my memory it remains firmly etched as five fun-filled blurry days and nights of exuberant conversation with friends I don’t get to see nearly often enough. I did three panels and a play reading/performance, missed half the panels I really wanted to see, got my picture took with China Mieville, and generally ran around like a headless chook trying to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to be doing when I was supposed to be doing it.Things I learnt last weekend include:- I need an iphone- My wardrobe contains way too much black- Skirts are comfortable – why…

and the winner is…

Folks, I’m pleased to announce that the winner of the ‘Bring Peter Watts to Aussiecon’ State of Grace fundraising tuckerization is… DAVE LUCKETT! Vonda McIntyre’s beaded nudibranch goes to Jean Weber. Chris Barnes, Jess Irwin, Jacque Marshall and Ewan Clark scored the signed Ticonderoga Publications hardbacks.All up, AUS $3,156.88 was raised. Peter’s flights, hotels and other traveling arrangements have been sorted. Now all we need is for his country to let him out and my country to let him in. Thanks again to the Aussiecon committee for donating his membership, to Sean Williams for his help behind the scenes and to all the people around the world who passed the word around the interwebs and/or kicked some cash into the pot.Hope to see a bunch of you at Aussiecon!

nearly there!

I got the biggest thrill this week when I checked my email and found a message from author Vonda McIntyre. She and I have never met or previously corresponded, but when I was a teenager I utterly adored two of her novels: Dreamsnake and The Exile Waiting. I’ve met so many well-known authors over the years but it’s always such a thrill to connect with one of your own personal heroes. I hope I never loose the capacity for small moments of fangirl squee.Anyway, Vonda was emailing to offer me one of her beautiful beaded marine creatures as a prize in the Bring Peter Watts to Aussiecon appeal. Behold the mysterious and alluring beaded nudibranch!It’s a cell phone piccy so you have to click and embiggen to see just how beautiful it is.But that’s not all. Russell B Farr from Ticonderoga publications has most generously donated four signed hardcovers to…

tally update

Hi folks,I’m really thrilled to report that the fundraising effort is going well. We’re only a few hundred dollars off our target and all thanks to you awesome folks out there in cyberland.Encountered some argy-bargy with Paypal yesterday — apparently running a raffle constitutes ‘internet gambling’ or some such thing under their regulations. As a result, the ‘bring Peter Watts to Aussiecon’ campaign is no longer officially a tuckerisation raffle. It’s a straight out donation affair. At the conclusion I will present Peter with the names of those who contributed. Should he wish to throw all those names into a hat, draw one out and use it in his next novel, that will be his business…

the bring peter watts to aussiecon campaign

Ok, so here’s my sekrit project…Many of you will be familiar with this story already but for anyone who isn’t:Last year Canadian marine biologist and science fiction writer Dr Peter Watts underwent a terrifying ordeal at the hands of over zealous border crossing guards in Port Huron, USA. While leaving the United States on December 8, 2009, he was subject to an exit search, then beaten, maced and arrested when he tried to find out what was going on.A full account of the incident and what was to follow is up on Tor.comOr hear him interviewed about his experience, podcast at Starship SofaEven though all he did was fail to promptly comply with border guards’ instructions, he narrowly escaped a prison sentence and is now officially a convicted felon and therefore no longer able to attend US conventions. Peter’s short story ‘The Island’ from The New Space Opera 2, edited…
