goals for 2007

My new year’s resolutions or goals for 2007 are to:

finish my novel
sell at least one story to a pro market
read (and by this I mean read a shitload of random stuff outside my regular parameters)
stabilise my body weight at 75kg
learn how to use Illustrator properly

also, I’m supposed to be learning to drive this year. I’ve been supposed to be doing this for many years now, only this time I think its really going to happen. I’ll let you all know when I’m practicing so you can stay off the streets.


  1. I have to learn to drive this year, too!

    Really really have to drive, or I can’t enroll Raeli in the primary school I want. Clock is ticking…

    (realises needs a vroom vroom beep beep LJ icon, goes to do something about that…)

    • ooh! another non driver in our midst! i feel like such a freak. Good luck to us both!

  2. You don’t drive????

    Boggle boggle boggle.

    How amazingly endurable of you, to survive all this time without wheels. I’d be demented in a week.

    Yes, okay. More demented.

    Fingers crossed you achieve all you 07 goals and then some.

    • Its genetic: my parents never drove. Mind you, that excuse doesn’t hold up well now I’m in my forties.

  3. I never noticed that you didn’t drive, Cat. Isn’t that funny. Yes finish the novel and we can hit each other over the head with them.

    Big hugs and best wishes to zap your to do list.

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