
My achievements for today include the first 1000 words of Arctica, a sparkly clean bathroom and the beginnings of what may well turn out to be a deadly addiction to wasabi peas…


  1. I too have a clean bathroom, but no written words. Did host Thorbys today though (hence need for clean bathroom).

    Wasabi peas are yum and go very well with beer.

    • you know, I actually experienced a mild pang of missing Thorbys today after an email chat with Nathan. Don’t panic… I’ll get over it…

        • I suspect I’m a bit too wild & wooly for crit groups these days. last time I sat in on one, everybody was so schmik and polished in their dissections. I somehow suspect me sitting there going ‘I dunno, this bit sucks’ might not be appreciated.

  2. Wow, you’re being scarily productive. Wasabi peas rock!
    Have you guys seen Iron Man yet? If not, stay after the credits. I clued Jamie, Sarah and Sarah’s cousin whose name I forget, so we got the geeky glee from seeing the Easter Egg.

  3. Good on you for the writing. And yes, wasabi peas are really much better than they have any right to be. I mean they’re just wasabi peas for God’s sake. But very, very good.

    Would you be willing to come to the States and make our bathrooms sparkly? (Just mine and Nancy’s, I mean. Not all of America’s….)

  4. Toula keeps the bathroom clean but I’m supposed to scrub the shower, at least, when I remember to.

    Arctic is a great title.

    Touls loves wasabi peas. I’m a whimp.

    • Ta! I also think Arctica is a good title.
      Wasabi peas rock. Its like Russian Roulette in your mouth. Every now and then you get one that makes your eyes water.

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