
Apparently a large slab of plastic roofing material landed in our backyard as a result of last night’s fierce winds. The material does not belong on our roof. I wonder where it does belong? My first though, of course, is that it might have fallen off a UFO. But no such luck. Its just a slab of roof.


  1. Once, when I was very young, my family and I spotted something small, silver and glittery in one of the trees on our property. I was very excited about the prospect of a UFO trapped in the branches, because surely the aliens would come into our house to use our phone, so imagine my disappointment when it was discovered to be nothing but a mylar balloon.

  2. Remember, for emergency help in floods and storms, ring the SES on 132 500. Our cheerful, brightly clad volunteers will be happy to assist you, even if it involves first contact with alien races. In fact, especially then.

    — Laura

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