WFC post

So here I am in the Fairmont hotel bar sitting with Anna Tambour, Jonathan Strahan, Deb Biancotti, Danel Olson and, as Jonathan puts it, we’re within vigorous spitting distance of Sean Williams who’s in a meeting with his agent. Sean, Deb and I have just returned from a visit to the Winchester Mystery House, a whacking great mansion that apparently took 38 years to build. Sadly, we didn’t encounter a single ghostly presence, however Deb, Graham Joyce and I did manage to interface accidentally with the occult yesterday when we went to have a squiz at the nearby Rosicrucian temple.

We got there just before 12 when a ritual was scheduled to begin & were invited to participate!
I found it quite a peaceful experience but Graham insisted a dark presence was lurking behind in the periphery at the edge of the light…
Here are some of my WFC photos, as yet unculled and unlabeled. I was planning to write a more informative blog post but it’s really noisy in the bar and interesting folks keep rocking up to chat so I think I’ll chuck in the towl and just leave you with a piccy.

Having a ripper time. Wish you were here…


  1. Should I say “You bastard, why didn’t you bring me along as your cultural attache'” or graciously wish you all the best fun and adventures?

    Decisions, decisions.

    — Laura

  2. Wow Cat there are awesome photos. I felt like I was there and I’m surprised about how many people I know too, at least by sight. Isn’t Jetse good value. And there was David B Coe and Jay and Shannon and Jim Frenkel…etc Plus you guys. You all look so happy. Isobel Carmody was there too, and Kate Eliott. Gee great party dudes. I’m not crying, not really.

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