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the day the earth abandoned the plot

Just got back from seeing the Keanu remake. You know, it was all going along quite well till about half an hour before the end when they just stop bothering about the script business. The story had no ending. It just stopped. Absolutely fucking pointless, especially considering there was a damn fine, pertinent, relevant and utterly awesome ending close at hand IN THE ORIGINAL TEXT OF THE STORY THE FILM WAS BASED ON. They didn’t even have to look anywhere, fer fuck’s sake. I thought Keanu did a pretty neat job of playing an alien trying to get around in a human skin. He’s good with that kinda stuff. It’s the Shakespeare he needs to steer clear of. And the big fuckoff robot was awesome.

quantum of solace

Whoever’s original decision it was to cast Daniel Craig as Bond for the post millennium, it really was a stroke of genius. The new movie is almost two hours of fighting and exploding and chasing and shooting, and yet somehow it managed to come across as a love story. Not Bond’s love for dead Vesper as the story might suggest, but his love for all women worth fighting for. Weird? You bet. Misogynist? Not actually. Not this time.


Dear Mr Spielberg,Please do not produce an American version of this film starring Wil Smith. Nope, no way, nuh uh is this a Wil Smith kinda vehicle. If you absolutely and positively gotta do it, why not use Gary Oldman instead? Not only does he look quite similar to Choi Min-sik, I reckon he could pull off the live octopus eating scene quite convincingly. Not to mention all the … other stuff. No, I’m not linking to the Wiki page cos it’ll give the end away and you really all oughta go see this one for yourselves.

The Mist

We watched The Mist last night on dvd.I gotta say, between the mentally unstable bible thumper, the monsters in the mist and the thing that happens at the very end… now that’s what I call a true horror movie. Nice work, folks.

blockbuster film makers are reading my mind…

Saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull yesterday and it scored full marks from me (and from Roger Ebert) . It had everything: Nukes, Roswell, Area 51, badass Russians, capioera zombies in Mayan tombs, Marion Ravenswood returned — who everybody knows ougta’ve been in the second Indy movie instead of Spielberg’s dreary wife… Marlon Brando impersonation, motorbike stunts, swordfighting, tarzan, whitewater rapids and the skull itself turns out to belong to… nah, I’m not gonna give that bit away. It’s not as good as Raiders of the Lost Ark, but then, nothing else ever has been. Go see it. You’ll love it if you’re just like me.And then what do I see this morning but the trailer to The Mummy 3. OMG, I simply cannot wait till August to see Brendan Fraser fight Jet Li. And Michelle Yeoh is in it AND a Yeti AND if I’m…
