
This photo was passed to me by

. Apparently Whil Wheaton was the original image hunter and labeled it the coolest photo in the world which it undoubtedly is.

Today it rained all over my washing. Also, I found out I did not get the Australia Council grant I applied for — congratulations to those folks who did manage to score.

The November issue of Bookseller and Publisher includes a review of X6. Of my story, reviewer James Francis had this to say:
‘Heart of Stone’ by Cat Sparks is a well-written, science-fiction detective story of aliens among us, with a twist at the end.’
Man, I am so relieved he could actually follow the plot. I had a total crisis of confidence with that novella and really wasn’t sure whether I’d managed to pull it off or not. X6 contains some good stuff, my favourite two stories coming from Paul Haines and Margo Lanagan. There’ll be a Sydney launch on 12 November. I’ll blog specific detais a little closer to the date.


  1. Wow.

    Agreed. That photo is the reason cameras were invented…

    X6 is sounding like 6 kinds of awesome, too!

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