
Poor Smershy is in the kitty hospital. He has a mouth infection, ulcers on his tongue and suspected kidney problems.  I fear this may be the beginning of the end as he is an old boy and has seen a lot of wars over the years as he was moved from house to house, territory to territory. But you never know. He might bounce back. He’s a survivor.


    • Ta. I just wish we’d taken him to the vet sooner. He’s an odd bugger at the best of times so its hard to assess whether he’s sick or just expressing kitty pique. He was off his food but the other two weren’t eating either — we thought they’d collectively decided to be fussy about the brand we were feeding them.

      • It’s really tempting to give in to the ‘if-onlies’, but you can’t. Don’t do that to yourself. When the little guys get old, they start wearing out, and there’s nothing you can do to stop that. Your cats are loved and cherished and you’re never anything but wonderful people for them. Other cats should be so lucky to have you at their beck and call.

        If this is Smersh’s time, it’s his time. He was always going to leave before you. What counts is the time he spent with you, and that was divine.

  1. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to one of my favourite cats. He’s a tough one. Please pat him for me and Iain. Life will be poorer without him.

      • Also, in case you haven’t heard, Shaun Tan won the ,i>Premier’s Book of the Year prize for the The Arrival. Link is on my blog.

        Pat the other two for me as well. And hug Rob (not that you need an excuse).

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