scoop from the department of gobsmacked!

It’s just been confirmed that my short story “All the Love in the World” from Twelfth Planet Press’s Sprawl anthology will be reprinted in David Hartwell and Kathryn Kramer’s forthcoming Years Best Science Fiction #16, to be published in the spring as a mass market paperback original by Harper Eos.

That, folks, is just about as awesome as it gets!


    • not yet but I borrowed one from the uni to tide me over. Thanks for posting it on.

  1. You should eat more barbecue. Clearly it’s good luck. No, don’t thank me. Knowing of your success is thanks enough.

  2. So excited for you, Cat! Lovely to be recognised on the international stage. Plus, you know, getting paid TWICE is most excellent.

  3. Congratulations!

    That’s great news.

    I bought a copy of Sprawl at WorldCon, haven’t got around to reading it yet. Will have to a look. 🙂

      • Congratulations Cat. I’m reading Best SF #15 right now and it has some very impressive stories, so I;m sure you will be in good company too.

        David Conyers

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