
OK, so here’s that big bit of news I said I was going to get around to announcing sooner or later…

As reported by Locus Online already, Damien Broderick is stepping down as fiction editor of Cosmos Magazine and I’m going to be taking his place. Cosmos is an Australian popular science magazine with both glossy print and online news site editions that all up boasts a readership of 400,000.

Cosmos publishes speculative fiction stories of up to 4,000 words, both by Australian and international authors. The magazine is a SFWA- accredited market. You can read previously published stories here.

A big heartfelt thanks to Damien for recommending me for the job. Big shoes to fill, but I reckon I’m up for the challenge!


      • Yessiree, I am finishing off a story that will go to Fablecroft just to clear the cobwebs, then we’ll see how it goes. Moving house and having a baby has been a shock, goddammit. A shock.

  1. I LOVE Cosmos! Even though trying to write less than 4000 words is like trying to breed a miniature whale and put it in a fishtank! You have my complete admiration (as does any writer/editor who chooses to split their creative energy) for giving your time to such a worthy goal.


    • so you’ll be submitting a miniature whale breeding fish tank story, yeah?

  2. Excellent! Good on you, Cat. I know you couldn’t stay away from the publishing side forever. At least this time it’s not your own money… πŸ™‚

  3. Been a bit slow on keeping up with LJ lately, so just saw this news.

    Congratulations! You go girl! Whoohoo!!! Awesome!!!

    Seriously, well done. πŸ™‚

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