my excellent week

I experienced what could only be described as heaps of good vibes this week, following hot on the heels of our fun time in Fiji. The week kicked off with a story acceptance by The Years Best Australian Fantasy and Science Fiction. Then I got back in touch with S via email — an old friend with razor sharp wit who I used to live and hang with with. Nice to know time and tidal waves haven’t blunted those diamond edges.
Mid week I managed to talk my boss into letting me funk up up our rather stayed publishing product. Looks like I get to kiss all those boring gothic headline fonts goodbye for good! And we all know everything looks better with little red stars…
Thursday the dude responsible for the seriously excellent LikeitHateIt blog took me out to lunch in Sydney as a thank you for a small favour. If you haven’t bookmarked his blog or added it to your Google feed, do it now. This and that put here and there out of sight of Polaris.
Friday night I took

 out to dinner at an Indian restaurant in Glebe on account of that I lost a bet  with him– we were racing each other to the finish lines of our novels. He won fair and square and the menu item named 36 day old chicken wasn’t half as bad as you’d expect…
Over the course of the weekend I managed a little over 2,000 words of Arctica. I’ve introduced a new POV character and I think he’s gonna work out just fine.
This afternoon another old friend, C, dropped me an email to tell me he’s become a daddy! Goodness gracious is all I can say — it had been hard enough of an adjustment for me to imagine him as somebody’s husband, let alone a parent!. Congratulations C & C. Wonders will never cease.
And now I shall make dinner and feel contented with all my good fortune. Spare a thought for our dear friend

who isn’t having such a good time of things this week. Thinking of you, dude. XX


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