
The fabulous Mark Deniz has interviewed me as part of his Stars in Speculative Fiction series. Go have a look and make sure I didn’t slag you off, dis your small press or insult your writing…


  1. It’s funny that you mention the Wall of Kitsch, because I’ve been taking advantage of items that would probably have you gnawing on the light sockets were you out this way. In particular, I’ve been having a lot of fun with those incredibly tacky flowerpots shaped like bassinets and cribs (one actually has a little ceramic toddler, complete with Dr. Dentons backflapped pajamas, climbing either out of or into the crib), because they’re perfect places to grow medusa plant succulents. I recently sold one that was a little covered crib with a medusa plant inside, and all it needed to finish the look was a skeletal hand peeking from the dirt to let everyone know what happened to the babysitter.

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