Dad update

I returned from my week’s sojourn in Berry to find a subpoena to give evidence waiting in my letterbox regarding the case of the Queen Against Peter Grayson — my Father’s case. It goes before the District Court next Wednesday and everything about the document is seriously legal and scary looking. Fortunately my parents, who received subpoenas too, made an investigatory phone call and were taken in to meet with the head of the DPP. Apparently half the neighbourhood received these bits of paper but none of us actually have to turn up in court. Go figure. My parents did learn another interesting piece of info — apparently following the attack, Dad was airlifted to hospital by helicopter! None of the media reports mentioned the helicopter bit at the time.

I’ll let you know the verdict next Wednesday.


  1. And if it’s not “guilty, with some serious time away”… we should probably sit down and have a bit of a think about the next move. Quickly.

  2. All the best with it, Cat. I’m sure it’ll all get dealt with quickly, and you can all put the whole affair behind you for god.

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