
Dad remains in intensive care, although he’s no longer in the burns unit. His physical injuries are healing remarkably quickly but he is still full of tubes and very confused. He has his good days and his bad days and, in response, so do we. All the doctors can tell us for certain is that he’s in for a long slow healing process and that we must learn to be patient. I’ll next get to see him on Friday morning.


  1. Sympathy to you, him, all the family. It’s a truly terrible thing to have happened. And I don’t say that lightly.
    Hugs, in the hope that that might help just a bit,
    Jenny (and Russell)

  2. take him a sketch pad and pencils.. it gets old fast in the hospital. And when he tells you the food tastes like crap, believe him, after anesthesia it does.

  3. Glad to hear he’s progressing well. Patience when you’re on the rollercoaster is very hard to come by. Thinking of you all.

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