a romantic notion

Apparently the Flat Earth Society is still going strong and they have a message board! I confess to being quite impressed.

A computer-generated image of the flat Earth. Antarctica forms an ‘ice wall’ preventing people from walking off the edge.
People believe in so many strange things. This is no weirder than some.


  1. What I want to know is, how many members of the society actually believe it, and how many joined the society on a lark to take the piss out of people who do believe it.

    I can see myself, for example, buying David Cake a membership for Christmas.

  2. “The airline pilots are misled by their GPS, or are deliberately conspiring to make it appear that the flights take different times”


  3. How wonderful to find this breed is not extinct, but still blunders along amongst us, hooting their fabulous conspiracy theories.

  4. So does that mean we’re really living on a discworld on the back of four elephants backs on the the girlfriend of the great A’tuin, and all the earthquakes and tsunamis are from them crossing paths and doing the business?

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