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A quiet post-funeral weekend. Writing, reading, shopping, cleaning and cycling. In some sort of bizarre metaphysical coincidence, Rob and I both finished our novels today. Writing them, that is, not reading them. Nearby on the Princes Highway some sort of charity truck rally was taking place, meaning horns were honking and blaring with gay abandon. So we ditched our laptops and went off to the Gala cinema at Warrawong to see the new Harry Potter. The place was packed with kids which is probably how it should be. I liked the movie well enough, although there was a little too much sitting around in forests doing nothing for my liking.

good weekend

Finished a new short story on Friday. Well, OK, so its probably not really finished. I’ll need some other folks to have a look at it and tell me what they think. Its a quiet one — maybe even too quiet. These days I do a lot of sitting on and thinking about my stuff before I send it out.Spent last night in the Blue Mountains with keithstevenson and Nicola. A very pleasant by-the-log-fire kind of evening indeed filled with wine, seafood paella, Trivial Pursuit (and a big hairy spider that freaked poor Nicola out). I don’t normally play board games but I’m glad the others managed to talk me into it cos it was heaps of fun.A friend critiqued the first 8 chapters of novel #1 for me and his acute analysis of what is bogging most of those chapters down has filled me with enthusiasm and fresh ideas.…
