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travels abroad: a summary

So all up Rob and I spent just under two weeks taking in NYC, World Fantasy Convention and a little bit of London. The chronology went something like this: Long plane flight to NYC accompanied by Alisa, party at Scott and Justine’s apartment, sightseeing, Aussie embassy party, dinner with Ellen Datlow & others, a few drinks out on the town. Big hangover & grazed knees the following morning [see previous blog post for details], more sightseeing, Amtrak train to Saratoga Springs with the rest of the Aussie writers. World Fantasy Convention. Awesome people everywhere, books, books and more books. Four of us squashed into a hotel room, lots of parties including the official Aussie one organised by Trevor, Deb, Jonathan & Garth. The launch of Paper Cities in which Kaaron, Ben and I had stories. Catching up with my WOTF buddies Ken, Eric, Matt and Lon [but not Sidra, unfortunately],…

The night I almost converted to Judaeism and saw Duran Duran play live at the Ethyl Barrymore Theatr

Several mystical occurrences occured on the US leg of our trip. We’re in London now, but here’s a brief summary of some of the strange events that happened along the way. Tuesday before last there was a bash at the Australian Embassy in NYC welcoming the Aussie SF writing contingent. I accidentally got shitfaced and, after hours of merrymaking, fell in the gutter alongside Kaaron’s husband James. oops. I can’t even remember the last 2 bars we went to, let alone how we made it back to the hotel. When I woke up I realised that something was missing (aside from about a trillion brain cells). My camera. Now, see, this has been wanting to happen for years now, but somehow I always get the damn thing back, or my wallet, or passport or whatever, but not this time. Nope, this was to be the time that I got my…
