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swancon 2008

I’m not much of one for con reports these days, partly because the pictures tell the thousand words, etc etc, but mostly because all the really entertaining stuff that went down over the Easter long weekend is far too rude, crude and generally offensive to repeat without hurting feelings, naming names and pointing fingers. So I’m not gonna. The con itself had a few comedy of errors aspects to it. The absolute highlight of it all for me was GOH Rob Shearman. About 10 of us fell completely in love with him. I believe girliejones actually kidnapped him this afternoon. She and I would have had a scragfight over him for sure if my dragon and I didn’t have to fly back home to the classy side of the continent at 1am this morning. Full set of photos here. And oh yeah, I won a Ditmar for my novella ‘A…

swancon here i come

Well, I’m off to Perth at the crack of dawn tomorrow on an Enid Blytonesque Famous Five-style adventure with merry chums girliejones, benpayne, devinjay and speshal_kI’m sure many midnight feasts will eventuate; languid evenings filled with sardines, condensed milk and, of course, lashings and lashings of ginger beer. Hurrah!
