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travels abroad: a summary

So all up Rob and I spent just under two weeks taking in NYC, World Fantasy Convention and a little bit of London. The chronology went something like this: Long plane flight to NYC accompanied by Alisa, party at Scott and Justine’s apartment, sightseeing, Aussie embassy party, dinner with Ellen Datlow & others, a few drinks out on the town. Big hangover & grazed knees the following morning [see previous blog post for details], more sightseeing, Amtrak train to Saratoga Springs with the rest of the Aussie writers. World Fantasy Convention. Awesome people everywhere, books, books and more books. Four of us squashed into a hotel room, lots of parties including the official Aussie one organised by Trevor, Deb, Jonathan & Garth. The launch of Paper Cities in which Kaaron, Ben and I had stories. Catching up with my WOTF buddies Ken, Eric, Matt and Lon [but not Sidra, unfortunately],…
