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and how fucked up is this?

Japanese researchers have found that simply thinking about eating something sweet could cause you to store fat. They have conducted tests in mice and believe the findings will probably apply to humans too. A professor of cell biology at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Mark Febbraio, has been reviewing the paper by a group of researchers at the National Institute for Physiological Sciences in Japan. "What this paper is suggesting is that you have an anticipatory response in skeletal muscle to start taking up glucose to use for energy just by thinking about it," he said. "It’s exciting because to me it just adds another piece of information to the puzzle of how tissues can talk to each other in the body." The researchers focused on a protein known as orexin-A, which is activated in the brain by physical activity, moods and thoughts. They injected it into the…


I’m one of those idiots who shies away from taking pain killers on account of that they’re harmful to my body (the idiot part being that I’ll quite happily quaff a whole bottle of wine, drag on a spliff or stick a line of blow up my nose at a party… not that I go to those sort of parties anymore, but I digress…) Anyway, so I’ve had a sore leg for a few weeks but I thought I’d ignore it & see if the pain would go away by itself. The flight to Perth and back was a little uncomfortable, then yesterday at work my boss had me pulling news clippings out of files all day, a task I unwisely decided to perform sitting on the couch rather than at my desk. Long (and very boring) story short… suddenly I’m all OUCH. I can barely move, everything hurts and…


After putting up with an irritated eye for the past 3 days, I finally trotted down to the optometrist this morning & learned that I had 3 ingrowing eyelashes! Dr Craddock plucked them out and said I was lucky they didn’t scratch my eyeball. Apparently ingrowing eyelashes are a common ailment. I had never heard of such a thing!
