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Continuum 6

Just a few snaps from Continuum 6: full set here on Flickr.GOH Kim Westwood with Paul Hainesme with events and fundraising organiser Julia SvaganovicFelicity Dowker with Halinka (Alan Baxter’s partner and I really should remember her surname… D’oh!)Trudi Canavan with her hand knitted Dalek. And yes, it does say EXTERMINATE!I spent a lot of the weekend on various forms of public transport and ended up unexpectedly staying with three sets of friends. I also ate too much, drank too much, went shopping with money I can’t really spare, attended many panels and the masquerade, spoke on two panels, bored the tits off everyone talking way too much about recent developments in my own writing career, made some new friends and generally had an excellent time.


Make the long trek from Wollongong, NSW to Croydon South, Vic yesterday: walked to Conniston station, caught train to Wolli Creek, changed to the domestic terminal line, flew Virgin Blue to Tullamarine airport, caught the city Xpress bus to Southern Cross station and then the Met train to Croydon where Sarah picked me up in her car. Bizzarely, each connection was timely and flawless. I didn’t have to wait long at any point.Sarah and Jamie’s new house is stunning. One of those solid old double brick houses with many rooms, high plaster ceilings and a massive backyard. They have 3 chooks. I had no idea you could pat chooks and that they follow you round like little dogs! Aside from the chook pen, the yard also features a slab hut circa 1880, a well and three ancient, stoic trees.In a little while I’ll be going into the city to oggle…

Aussiecon 4

Rob and I just bought our memberships to Aussiecon4: Worldcon 2010 which, if y’all don’t know, is being held in Melbourne. I’m pretty sure the price goes up soon, so get in quick and buy a ticket I reckon. You can get a supporting membership and upgrade later if you’re a bit strapped for cash.

conflux again

I do like the Conflux series of cons. They’re writer and reader focused rather than fan focused, which appeals to me a lot. Call me a snob, but I’m getting too old for the scruffy fannish end of the game. I recall approaching a Swancon hotel lobby a couple of years ago and pausing to gawp at a group of appallingly dressed folks sprawled like bloated seals across the sofas. The trackie pants, bum bags and food stained Babylon 5-shirts were bad enough, but it was the headgear that really shat me off. Akubra hats and baseball caps festooned with badges and pins and clip on aliens and koalas… fuck knows what else and it all looked utterly ridiculous on a bunch of fat bearded people in their late forties. yeah, OK, so I’ve definitely become a grouchy old cow in recent years, but the thing is that I love…

conflux 5

Well, the con was a blast — but aren’t they always? Photos here and some sort of an attempt at a brief con report to follow when I’ve managed to sort out my books and my laundry and my email backlog.[photo is of Kim Westwood, myself and Jack Dann]
