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those Bill Henson photographs…

I agree with Phillip Adams on this one:”[Henson’s] esoteric and melancholy photographs for the art gallery elite are not the problem. It’s in mass media that our kids are sexualised, that childhood is shortened and short-changed, rendered erotic for adult fun and profit. Look at the fashion industry’s catwalks and magazines. Or at the ad industry. It’s what we don’t see because we’re so used to it, because we take it for granted, that does the damage.”

Nick’s painting

Nick has given me permission to blog these photos of his David Stratton portrait. He left this comment on my blog yesterday, reposted here for those who might not have seen it:Hi Gang, Nick here. Thanks for all the groovy comments and support. As you know, the Archibald Prize is notoriously difficult to get hung in. The fact that I’ve made both the Doug Moran and the Archies at the same time is fucking unbelievable. The call was expected Wednesday but much to my surprise it came today…which means I don’t have to go through days of nail biting agony waiting for the phone to ring. It’s all worked out very nicely…especially after Chris Lilly dropped out at the last minute. I only had a couple of weeks to get David’s massive portrait done. He was actually very excited with my news since he had said there was a curse…
