sci fi

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So yeah, we’re TV-on-DVD junkies. After wrapping up Ashes to Ashes, season 1, which I thoroughly enjoyed despite it not being a patch on the original Life on Mars, we moved on to a couple of birthday presents provided by my sister. I chose these titles myself, even though one of them, Spooks Code 9 came with a dire warning: DO NOT WATCH THIS CRAPPY SHOW UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.But being that my particular set of circumstances require me to suck up any and all instances of post apocalypse, we did start watching it and we’re still watching it despite it being completely and utterly ridiculous. Spooks Code 9 is a kids show, yeah? Here’s the premise: London gets nuked. In response, MI5 decides it needs to be staffed entirely by hip young 20-somethings with awesome haircuts because" terrorists are getting younger". When not on the case, the crack team of…

moving on…

Dad got de-tubed today. Mum says he’s completely off his face and will take a few days to get back in the reality zone. Now that he’s over the worst of all this, I thought I’d do a more frivolous post about something else very dear to my heart…For the fortnight following my Dad’s attack, all I’ve felt like watching in the evenings is classic Star Trek, not a show I ever chose to watch this past decade at least. I understand why I’ve been so drawn to it. Back when I was a nineteen year old art student living in a filthy share house with a bunch of friends, I somehow managed to contract a serious illness that laid me out flat (and contagious) for a couple of weeks. I was so sick I had to return to my parent’s house to wait out the worst of it. My…

Wrote 4,000 words of a new short story this weekend. Also, overdosed on Bryan Ferry + Roxy Music’s Platinum Collection 3-CD set. Man, was that ever the best fifteen dollars I ever spent, thank you JB Hi Fi!We started watching A for Andromeda on DVD. Only one episode of the original production survives along with a few short extracts from other episodes. The story is told with a series of labeled stills from the show. As we sat riveted to the screen, I realised that we are the absolute dictionary definitions of skiffy nerds. Its a 1961 sci fi series that doesn’t even exist , yet we’re still freaking watching it — and having a good time! It absolutely reeks of Quatermass.I really should get more of a life, shouldn’t I?
