Charles N Brown

As reported by Locus, Charles N Brown died peacefully in his sleep on the way home from Readercon.
I was privileged enough to have my own small share of adventures with Charles, both in Australia and the USA. I never visited his house but he visited mine during one particularly memorable blazing bushfire season. Here he is with Aussie friends at a party at Justine & Scott’s place back in January 2005. Photo by Steven Dunbar.

Back row: Justine Larbalestier, Scott Westerfeld, Richard Harland, Aileen Harland, Louise Katz, Robert Hood, Cat Sparks

Middle (wearing black t-shirt) David Levell

Front row: Donna Nelson, Kate Forsyth, Charles Brown, Margo Lanagan, Josephine Pennicott, Claire Nicholls & Peter Nicholls.

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